Ritual candle - Transformation
Ritual candle - Transformation
Ritual candle - Transformation
Set of four paraffin candles, length 12.5cm, thickness 1.0cm.
Symbol meaning
Violet candles are often used in rituals and ceremonies related to change and transformation. This color is associated with deep meditation, spirituality, mysticism and also with the crown chakra. Purple ritual candles can be used e.g. for transformation, spiritual development, deeper awareness, problem solving and the manifestation of inner wisdom and intuitiveness.
Lighting candles is not just an action, but a journey towards achieving goals, setting an intention, visualizing the desired results and focusing on the will. These are essential steps to achieve what you want. Candles also serve as powerful symbolic tools for clearing energy from a physical space, object, or person, expelling negative energies, clearing the aura, clearing blockages in the chakras, and many other symbolic uses.
Ritual use
- Candle
- Ignition devices
- Peaceful space
Ritual steps:
- Preparation : Find a quiet space where you can be at peace and undisturbed. If you want, you can purify the space with incense or using essential oils, which help you relax and create a pleasant atmosphere.
- Placement : Place the candle on a table, altar, or other flat surface so that you can see it clearly.
- Concentration : Sit comfortably and close your eyes for a moment. Take a deep breath and focus on your breath, calming your mind and preparing for the ritual.
- Setting intentions : When you are ready, open your eyes and observe the candle. Visualize in your mind that the candle represents presence, light and awareness. Set clear intentions in your mind about what you want to manifest and what kind of changes or well-being you want to bring into your life.
- Lighting a candle : Light a candle and say in your mind or out loud: "This candle symbolizes presence, light and awareness. Let that light shine around me and bring well-being into my life."
- Meditation : Sit in front of a candle and observe its flame. Focus on your breathing and allow yourself to sink into a meditative state. Imagine how the light of the candle fills you and surrounds you completely, bringing peace, understanding and well-being.
- Gratitude and Conclusion : When you're done, thank yourself and the universe for this ritual and the energy it brings. Blow out the candle and feel the peace and gratitude inside.
You can repeat this ritual regularly, for example once a week or as needed, and observe how it affects your own well-being and awareness. Always remember to listen to your own intuition and do rituals according to your own needs and beliefs.
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