Rituals and steps of spiritual development

Semiphoras brings you objects and symbols used throughout human history across various cultures, belief systems, and rituals. Through its products and services, Semiphoras helps foster a connection to the hidden aspects of the self.

The unknown within the human mind is immensely valuable. It holds a mysterious ability to bring about growth on higher spiritual levels. With its help, we can experience safety and hope in difficult times, solve problems, create new things, feel connected to something greater, and achieve profound states of consciousness. This unknown part within us contains archetypal and ancient knowledge about the deepest nature of humanity.

At its core, Semiphoras focuses on human development through symbolic work and recurring rituals. A symbol always represents a part of a deeper archetypal world, and by connecting with a symbol, we directly engage with archetypes. Symbols transcend words, and their message must be understood intuitively. They act as a gateway to the hidden, a place where ancient wisdom and new possibilities converge.

We have divided human development into three named stages: Purifico, Dedico, and Ascendo. These stages reflect the spiral process of growth that manifests in all change.

  • Purifico is the first stage in rituals and the process of development. It involves becoming aware of the need for change, dismantling old dysfunctional structures, and cleansing oneself of them through ritual. The purpose of the rituals at this stage is to help let go of the old and ineffective, creating space for what is to come.

  • Dedico is the second stage in rituals and the development process. It involves surrendering to the unknown space between two worlds—a state of not-knowing, where there is no return to the old, but the new has not yet been reached. In this phase of development, something new is being created, and regular rituals focus on altar work.

  • Ascendo is the final stage of rituals and the development process, while also marking the beginning of the next level of growth. It involves the opening of understanding, an increase in life force, and the realization that one has ascended to a new stage of development. The rituals in this phase emphasize maturity, wisdom, and gratitude for what has been achieved.

Semiphoras deeply honors and understands all the traditions and belief systems of humanity. They are a window into the diversity of humankind and, at the same time, an essential part of the human mind. Their influence on human history is significant, reflecting laws that continue to resonate in both the collective consciousness and individual minds today.

We are only at the beginning of this journey, a path that opens up the great mystery—the understanding of our own soul. Step into a mystical journey where ancient traditions meet modern human insight.