Ritual herbal blend - Hades - Purifico, 15ml
Ritual herbal blend - Hades - Purifico, 15ml
Ritual herbal blend - Hades - Purifico
Semiphoras' first-class ritual herbal mixtures are made using traditional methods from pure and organic raw materials; from herbs, seeds, roots, berries and flowers. Carefully selected and consecrated ingredients rich in symbolic meaning are carefully dried, ground and mixed into ready-made herbal mixtures. We recommend using herbal mixtures as part of altar and ritual work and during the Purifico, Dedico and Ascendo phases. Ritual herbal mixtures are also suitable for use as potpourri.
In Greek mythology, Hades was the god of the dead and the king of underworld. The kingdom he ruled was located deep in the bowels of the earth. Five rivers flowed through the region; Acheron, Phlegethon, Kokytos, Lethe and Styks. The Styks was a border river, over which the ferryman (Kharon) rowed the souls of the departed in his old decayed boat. According to the myth, the dead had to pay Charon an obol, so the Greeks used to put a gold coin in the mouth of the dead. Hades' trusted companion, the three-headed watchdog Kerberos, guarded the great gates of the underworld, making sure that the dead did not escape and that the living did not enter the gates. In Greek mythology, Hades was not so much seen as evil, but as a dark, harsh and just god. Hades was the wealthiest of the gods because he owned all the precious metals and riches hidden in the earth.
Symbol meaning
The most important ingredients of the dark-toned and intense Hades-Purifico herbal mixture are:
- Artemisia abrotanum (Artemisia abrotanum) leaves. Aaprotti maruna symbolizes love, lust and protection. It is a masculine herb that has been used in folk medicine especially in ritual baths to increase a man's virility, attractiveness and sexual energy. In the Middle Ages, judges carried bundles made of boar's thorn and fennel with them to protect themselves from contagious diseases among prisoners. Aaprot has also been used for ritual cleansing of space and objects. The herb is said to increase mental abilities and can be used in rituals to enhance intuition, divination and psychic work. It is believed that a boar crumb thrown into the fire keeps snakes away.
- Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum) leaves. In Europe, blackcurrant berries and leaves are considered magically charged and protect the home from negative energies and evil spirits. Among other things, dried and powdered leaves are sprinkled near the entrance of the home to prevent evil spirits from entering. Dried berries are again carried like an amulet to protect travelers from various accidents.
- Black mustard (Rhamphospermum nigrum) seeds. The history of black mustard as a medicinal and spice plant goes back more than 2000 years. The Roman writer Columella mentioned the use of seeds as early as the first century AD. Black mustard has been considered to be the very species that Jesus referred to in his famous parable about the mustard seed and the kingdom of heaven. Mustard seeds are believed to prevent curses, ward off evil forces and drive away negative energies. They also have a reverse purpose. In African American hoodoo, they can also be used to cause bad luck, confusion, chaos, and trouble by mixing the seeds together with powdered sulfur.
Ritual use
Ritual Herbal Blend - Purifico: Mix a pinch of ritual herbal mixture into holy water to increase and target the symbolic, purifying effect. Fill a flat container, for example a sounding bowl, with water and sprinkle in the herbal mixture. You can use the ritual herbal mixture to cleanse a sacred area or space by mixing the herbal mixture directly with the washing water. The trial mixture can also be used like incense. Sprinkle a pinch of the herbal mixture over glowing embers or throw it directly into an open fireplace or campfire.
Ritual herbal mixture - Dedico : Use the ritual herb mixture to build an altar or to complement and enrich an already existing altar. Strengthen the altar candles by rolling them in a herbal mixture. Sprinkle the ritual herb mixture directly onto the altar, grid, or open container, such as a ritual bowl or seashell. You can also sanctify the desired space by sprinkling the ritual herbal mixture in four different corners of the room. The herbal mixture is also excellently suitable as an ingredient of portable pendants, amulets and Talismans, to remind about the aspirations and the things they represent.
Ritual Herbal Blend - Ascendo: Mix a pinch of ritual herbal blend into the oil. Oil enhanced with a mixture of herbs can be used in anointing, where an object is anointed with oil to symbolize blessing, sanctification, completion or preparation for something important.
Product description
Content about 15ml
Ingredients: Artemisia abrotanum, Ribes nigrum, Rhamphospermum nigrum.
Manufacturer: Semiphoras Oy, Espoo
Made by hand in Espoo.
The ingredient list is subject to change. Please check the up-to-date list of ingredients on the side of the cardboard package.
Note! For ritual use. Store in a dry and cool place protected from light. For external use only. Not suitable for consumption. Some ingredients, such as herbs and spices, can irritate the skin or be harmful if swallowed. Do not use the product if you are allergic to any of its ingredients, have ulcers or other damage to the skin. Do not use the product on children or pets and keep out of their reach. If you use the product as incense, pay attention to fire safety.