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Meteorite fragment - Greenland, size XS, Stone of Supernatural Powers

Meteorite fragment - Greenland, size XS, Stone of Supernatural Powers

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Meteorite fragment - Greenland, size XS, Stone of Supernatural Powers

A meteorite is a stone that fell to the earth's surface from space, i.e. an asteroid, part of an asteroid, a comet or a large meteoroid. Meteorites are classified according to their composition into one of three main types: stone, iron and stone-iron meteorites. Meteorites fall fairly evenly all over the Earth. As a result, more than 60 percent of them fall into the sea, where they are never found. Most meteorites have been found in Antarctic glaciers and desert wastelands. In the desert, meteorites cannot be broken up by water, and they are also easy to spot.

Unique and authentic, small meteorite fragments. About 7mm to 10mm in size. Sold by the piece. The products in the picture are sample pieces.

Symbol meaning

Throughout the ages, meteorites have been considered sacred stones in many different cultures and have been considered to have supernatural powers. To the ancient Egyptians, meteorites were gifts from the gods, containing an element associated with royal and divine power, iron. The ancient Greeks and Romans regarded meteorites as sacred stones and placed pieces of them on altars and in their most important temples. In the original Hawaiian language, the meteorite has had no less than five different names. For example, "flying god" (akualele) and "flying star" (hokulele) tell about the importance of meteorites in the traditional mythologies of the native population. The Clackamas, a Native American people who lived in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, before settlers arrived, believed that the Tomanowos, a Willamette meteorite that struck the area during the Ice Age, was a gift from the "Heavenly People" to the Clackamas. Tomanowos represented the sacred union of earth, sky and water. The name of the meteorite "Tomanowos" means "visitor from the sky". The Clackamas used to dip their hands and spearheads in the water that collected in the meteorite's many holes to receive a blessing from this mysterious visitor.

Ritual use

Meteorites offer a tangible connection to the infinite universe beyond our own little planet. Meteorites are considered to channel the infinite energy of the universe and help us better understand the purpose of our own existence. Since meteorites originate from outer space, they are said to enhance our connection to the universe. Meteorites are believed to be connected to the elements of earth and fire. They are considered to get their power directly from the sun and thus radiate positive energy, warmth and courage. Using meteorites as part of meditation has been said to help activate psychic abilities and clairvoyance.

It is recommended to buy the amount that best suits your desired purpose. Below are the meanings of numbers 1-10 according to the Pythagorean number symbolism:

  1. (Monad) the beginning of all that exists. Symbolizes unity, inspiration and beginnings.
  2. (Dyad) symbolizes opposites, dualism, the world of matter and choices.
  3. (Triad) is the uniting element of opposites and the number of spiritual development and growth. Represents growth and trinity.
  4. (Tetrad) the organized form of the atmospheric world. Symbolizes stability, order and structure.
  5. (Pentad) describes the process of human perfection. Also depicts change and instability.
  6. (Hexadi) number of wisdom and intelligence. Symbolizes problem solving, adapting activities to match goals and communication.
  7. (Heptad) the number of development that combines the number 3 of growth and the number 4 of concrete manifestation. The number of reflection, evaluation and spirituality / spirituality.
  8. (Ogdoadi) number of action, movement and achievement. Symbolizes action on a sure footing.
  9. (Ennead) is the number of inner growth and creativity. Symbolizes powerful and unrestricted expression, as well as the approach of graduation.
  10. (Decade) symbolizes completion, the end of a cycle and renewal. Unlimited, eternal continuation.

Note! These small meteorite fragments are each their own unique individual. Because of this, colors, shapes and brightness may vary. Light brings out their natural beauty best. Trust that the songs selected by intuition for you resonate best with your personal purpose.

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