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Smoky quartz point, set of 4 - Stones for focusing power

Smoky quartz point, set of 4 - Stones for focusing power

Regular price €22,00
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Smoky quartz point, set of 4 (VESAK)

length 40 mm – 50 mm

Smoky quartz is a very beautiful quartz mineral and got its name from its smoky gray or brown color. Smoky quartz is chemically composed of silicon oxide and its crystal structure is similar to ordinary quartz. Smoky quartz is very hard and therefore a common stone in jewelry. Smoky quartz is also common in spiritual use.

The stones were planted in the light of the Vesak full moon in May 2023, when, exceptionally, a lunar eclipse was also combined at the same moment. The next similar lunar eclipse will be in 2042.


Symbol meaning

Smoky quartz is often associated with grounding energy. It is one of the most effective grounding stones while still raising vibrations during meditation. Smoky quartz acts as a transition aid between the alpha and beta states of the mind, helping to clarify thoughts for meditation. It is also said to help relieve stress and anxiety. Smoky quartz symbolizes clarity and strength, and many believe it acts as a protector, helping to ward off negative energies and purify the environment. It helps to endure difficult times in a balanced way, strengthening decision-making. Smoky quartz helps to accept the physical body and its sexual nature, strengthening the libido and clearing the root chakra so that passion can flow naturally.

The crystal point has symbolic meaning and is a valued and useful form in many cultures and spiritual traditions. The shape of the crystal point helps to focus and direct the energy in a certain direction. When the tip points away from the body, it draws energy away. When the tip points towards the body, it channels energy into the body. This feature can be useful in meditation, energy healing and spiritual rituals when one wants to focus on a specific goal or balance the chakra.

The shape of the crystal point symbolizes strength and purification. It can help clean and clarify energy fields and bring strength to spiritual growth and self-development. The crystal point also represents unity and balance. It connects the top and base energies, which can help achieve harmony and balance in life. Crystal points are popular tools for meditation and spiritual work. Their form can help deepen the meditation experience and reach higher states of consciousness.

Number 4 : According to Pythagorean number symbolism, the number 4 (tetrad) is the organized form of the celestial world. It symbolizes stability, order and structure.

Smoky Quartz is considered the stone of Capricorn.

It is important to remember that the meanings of symbols can vary from culture to culture and person to person. Everyone can experience smoky quartz in different ways and attach their own personal meanings to it.


Ritual use

You can use smoky quartz points on your altar, in crystal grids, as a meditation tool or as portable amulets. Four smoky quartz tips can be a powerful and versatile tool for meditation, ritual or energy work:

  • before starting the ritual, make sure the smoky quartz tips are cleansed and 'charged'. You can perform purification by holding them in incense smoke, placing them in the light of the moon or the sun, or using other purification methods.
  • You can use smoky quartz points in meditation and focus on them to reach a deeper spiritual state. You can hold them in your hands, place them around you in a meditative state, or place them over your chakras to balance them.
  • You can set specific goals for the ritual and use smoky quartz points as tools for orientation. They can help channel and clear energy. You can also use them to create energy grids around your ritual objects, or place them in the four corners of your altar.
  • If you use other ritual items, such as incense, oils, or ritual salt mixtures, you can charge them with the energy of smoky quartz points before using them in the ritual. Place the objects near the smoky quartz tips for some time before starting the ritual.
  • To relieve stress: take a clay quartz tip in both hands and sit quietly and peacefully, feeling the soothing weight of the stones on your palms.
  • Finally, thank the smoky quartz points for their help in the ritual and cleanse them of energies after the ritual. You can do this, for example, by rinsing them under running water or by placing them on top of salt.

In connection with rituals and spiritual exercises, it is important to listen to your own intuition and do them in a way that feels meaningful and empowering to you.

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