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Chakra - crystal set, Healing kit, tumbled

Chakra - crystal set, Healing kit, tumbled

Regular price €35,00
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Chakra - Crystal set, Healing kit, tumbled

The size of the stones is approx. 30 mm

Chakra crystal set consist of seven different crystals that symbolize the seven energy centers of the body, or chakras. These crystals and stones have different color tones, and the different wavelengths of these colors also lead to the generation of different vibrational frequencies. In many cultures and spiritual traditions, it is believed that different colors resonate at different frequencies and thus can affect the body's energy centers, or chakras, and their functioning.

Each chakra has its own meaning and associated colors, crystals, emotional states and physical areas of the body. Here is a brief overview of the symbolism of each chakra and the associated crystals and stones:

1. Root Chakra (Muladhara):

  • Symbolizes: survival, safety, basic needs
  • Color: red
  • Stones: red jasper, garnet, mahogany obsidian
  • Physical location: at the base of the spine

2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana):

  • Symbolizes: creativity, passion, sexuality, emotions
  • Color: orange
  • Stones: carnelian, orange agate
  • Physical location: lower abdomen, below the navel

3. Solarplexus Chakra (Manipura):

  • Symbolizes: self-esteem, strength, self-confidence
  • Color: yellow
  • Stones: mookaite, yellow jasper
  • Physical location: upper abdomen

4. Heart Chakra (Anahata):

  • Symbolizes: love, compassion, generosity
  • Color: green (sometimes also pink)
  • Stones: green aventurine, emerald, (rose quartz)
  • Physical location: chest, heart area
  • Acts as a bridge between the upper and lower chakras

5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):

  • Symbolizes: truth, expression, communication
  • Color: blue
  • Stones: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Aventurine, Sodalite
  • Physical location: neck, throat

6. Otsachakrza, third eye (Ajna):

  • Symbolizes: intuition, vision, clarity
  • Color: indigo (or deep blue)
  • Stones: amethyst, blue quartz
  • Physical location: forehead, center between the eyebrows

7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara):

  • Symbolizes: spirituality, connection to higher self/universe, wisdom
  • Color: white or purple
  • Stones: quartz, selenite, amethyst
  • Physical location: above the top of the head, in the middle of the skull

Chakra stones are thought to help balance and activate these energy centers, thus promoting overall well-being and balance in body, mind and spirit.


Ritual use:

Chakra balancing ritual


  1. Chakra Crystal Set. Red jasper (root chakra), carnelian (sacral chakra), mookaite (solar plexus chakra), green aventurine (heart chakra), blue aventurine (throat chakra), chevron amethyst (forehead chakra) and quartz (crown chakra).
  2. An empty bowl or tray where you can arrange the stones.
  3. Candles or incense to set the mood.
  4. Relaxing music.

Ritual steps:

  1. Cleansing : Before starting the ritual, clean the crystals. You can do this by holding them in the smoke above the incense or by lightly rinsing them under running water. You can also use other cleaning methods, such as placing them under the light of a full moon or sunlight. After that, "activate" the crystals to their task by taking them one by one in your palm and saying out loud their purpose in the ritual, for example: "The function of this aventurine is to balance the heart chakra."
  2. Preparation : Create a calm and pleasant environment. Turn off the lights and light some candles or incense to create the right atmosphere. Put some gentle music in the background to help you relax.
  3. Layout : Place the raw crystals in front of you on a tray or bowl. You can arrange them however you like, for example starting at the bottom and working your way up to the crown chakra. You can also place them around your body or hold them in your hands.
  4. Meditation : Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a deep breath and focus on your breathing for a moment. Then focus your attention on one crystal at a time, starting at the root chakra and working your way up to the crown chakra. Imagine how each crystal sends energy and balances the corresponding chakra in your body. You can also repeat affirmative phrases or mantras for each chakra. Feel their impact.
  5. Thank you : After you have calmly gone through all the chakras, thank yourself and the crystals for their work. You can also thank the environment and all those who have participated in the ritual in some way.
  6. Cleansing : After the ritual is over, clean the crystals again.

This ritual can help to balance energies and relax. It is good to do the ritual regularly when you want to maintain a balanced state in your body and mind.

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